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Special Ed Cumulative Score
Special Ed Progress Growth Rate %
General Accountability Rating
Special Ed Students
Special Ed Teachers
Students tested for STAAR ALT 2
Approaches Grade Level Standard %
Meets Grade Level Standard %
Masters Grade Level Standard %
General Information on Students and Teachers
Data Point
2019 2022
Total number of students 132 136
Number of students in Special Education 10 16
Percentage of students in Special Education 7.6 11.8
Total Students with Disabilities 10 16
Students with Autism 0 0
Students with Behavioral Disabilities 0 0
Students with Intellectual Disability 0 5
Students with Non-Categorical Early Childhood 0 0
Students with Physical Disabilities 0 7
Total Count of Teachers 8.5 13
Count of Special Education Teachers 0 1
Percentage of Special Ed Teachers 0 7.7
Ratio of Special Education Students to Special Education Teachers 0 16
STAAR Results for Special Ed students
Data Point
2019 2022
Percentage of Special Ed students participating in 2019 STAAR Test 100 100
Special Ed students that Meets Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Mathematics Rate 0 0
Special Ed students that Masters Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Mathematics Rate 0 0
Special Ed students that Approaches Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Mathematics Rate 0 0
Special Ed students that Meets Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Reading/ELA Rate 0 0
Special Ed student that Masters Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Reading/ELA Rate 0 0
Special Ed students that Approaches Grade Level STD, Grade 3, STAAR Reading/ELA Rate 0 0
Special Ed students that Meets Grade Level STD, Summed All Grades for All Subjects Tests Rate 56 95
Special Ed students that Masters Grade Level STD, Summed All Grades for All Subjects Tests Rate 22 55
Special Ed students that Approaches Grade Level STD, Summed All Grades for All Subjects Tests Rate 67 100
Special Ed students Progress Growth Rate for All Subjects for All Grades 0 92
Progress of Non-Proficient Special Ed Students - Grades 4-8, Summed Mathematics Rate 0
Progress of Non-Proficient Special Ed Students - Grades 4-8, Summed Reading/ELA Rate 0
Career & Military Ready Graduates - Special Ed Rate 0 0
College Ready Graduates - Special Ed Rate 0 0
General Discipline Information
Data Point
2019 2022
Special Education Students Expelled to JJAEP (student counts) 0 0
Special Education Expulsions to JJAEP 0 0
Non-Special Education Expulsions to JJAEP (action counts) 0 0
Special Education Students Expelled (student counts) 0 0
Special Education Expulsions 0 0
Non-Special Education Expulsions (action counts) 0 0
Special Education Students DAEP Placement (student counts) 0 0
Special Education DAEP Placements 0 0
Non-Special Education DAEP placements (action counts) 0 0
Special Education Students Suspended Out of School (student counts) 0 0
Special Education Out of School Suspension 0 0
Non-Special Education Out of School Suspensions (action counts) 0 0
Special Education Students Suspended in School (student counts) 0 0
Special Education in School Suspensions 0 0
Non-Special Education in School Suspensions (action counts) 0 0
STAAR ALT2 Results for Special Ed students in Grades 3 to 8
Data Point
2019 2022
Total number of students tested for Reading in all grades 0 0
Total number of students tested for Math in all grades 0 0
Total number of students tested for Writing in all grades 0
Total number of students tested for Social Studies in all grades 0 0
Total number of students tested for Science in all grades 0 0
Percent of students in DEVELOPING Level 1 for all subjects (Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies and Science) across all relevant grades 0 0
Percent of students in SATISFACTORY Level II ONLY for all subjects (Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies and Science) across all relevant grades 0 0
Percent of students in ACCOMPLISHED Level III for all subjects (Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies and Science) across all relevant grades 0 0
Percent of Students that DID NOT MEET Reading & Math PROGRESS across all grades 0 0
Percent of Students that MET Reading & Math PROGRESS across all grades 0 0
Percent of Students that EXCEEDED Reading & Math PROGRESS across all grades 0 0
STAAR ALT2 Results for Special Ed students in High School at End of Course (EOC)
Data Point
2019 2022
Total number of students tested for Algebra I 0 0
Total number of students tested for Biology 0 0
Total number of students tested for US History 0 0
Total number of students tested for English I 0 0
Total number of students tested for English II 0 0
Percent of students in DEVELOPING Level 1 for all subjects (Algebra I, Biology, US History, English I and English II) 0 0
Percent of students in SATISFACTORY Level II ONLY for all subjects (Algebra I, Biology, US History, English I and English II) 0 0
Percent of students in ACCOMPLISHED Level III for all subjects (Algebra I, Biology, US History, English I and English II) 0 0
Percent of Students that DID NOT MEET Algerba I, English I, and English II PROGRESS 0 0
Percent of Students that MEET Algerba I, English I, and English II PROGRESS 0 0
Percent of Students that EXCEEDED Algerba I, English I, and English II PROGRESS 0 0
Graduation and Dropout Rates for Special Ed students
Data Point
2019 2022
Four-year longitudinal special education high school graduation rate 0 0
Four-year longitudinal special education high school dropout rate 0 0
Special education annual dropout rate across grades 7 to 12 0 0
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